Self-Visionaire Series 002: Redefined Balance

It’s day seven, the last day of my 7 Day Blog Relaunch post schedule, before I cut down to 3 post per week for the rest of the 2023. I have a few other post prepared I could use for today but I won’t be using those. Right now, I feel like speaking from this present moment, literally before I hit publish on this blog post. Why? Because I feel like the other prepared post will flow better into the blog after the launch of The Self-Vision Planner Bundle this weekend. But I also want to use this space and time to make a point.

Everything I am currently working on and towards is largely centered around redefined balance. I will get more into this topic in another and more official post, but, in short…balance is personal. We find ourselves often trying to stick to a set system of perceived balance and I think it’s time we start redefining the idea of balance more.

We also have to accept that balance, in the real world, requires flow of adaptability in some respects and being open to change. Yes, having systems and schedules set into place are phenomenal. Personally, I live for a good system and structure base, but we can’t continue to beat ourselves up when things don’t go as planned either.

We have to be willing and accountable in our systems and structure while also being open to flow and adaptable to change. We have to give ourselves grace in some moments and push forward in the next. Not every moment has to be about pushing through, sometimes we have to let go and take care of self.

The best way to do that is through building a relationship with yourself. This requires listening to self and putting in the work and effort to trust yourself more. I feel like so many things would flow better in life if we just trusted ourselves more. This is something that also requires systems and structure. Making the time to tap into yourself, to pay attention to your thoughts, your reactions, your body…all the answers are always right there.

This is why I created The Self-Vision Planner that will release this weekend. It’s a space to tap into self. It’s a space to track self. It’s a space to nurture self. It’s a space to see yourself outside of yourself and tap into the bigger picture, if used properly. It’s a space to let go, create, brainstorm, mind dump, express yourself and build actionable steps towards the vision of what you want for YOU!

I’m so excited to share it all with you! In case you didn’t know already…The SVP Newsletter + The Self-Vision Planner Bundle = THE SVP aka The Self-Vision Project. At The SVP we are taking Q4 of 2023 to build a foundation for a better 2024 and beyond. We are redefining our own personal balance systems and fine tuning our overall systems (mind, body, daily life, goals and vision). We are taking the last 3 months of 2023 (Q4) to get honest with ourselves about what we want and what we are willing to do to make it happen while making sure we incorporate self-care through out the whole process.

I hope you join me and tap into The SVP. Stay tuned for the official planner bundle drop this weekend and sign up to The SVP Newsletter so you can be the first one to know when it goes live. Note: Because The Self-Vision Planner Bundle is focused on Q4 of 2023 it will only be available to opt-in for a limited time only for optimal results. I hope to see you in there 🖤

Chat Soon,



Loft Diaries 002: Making A Space To Create (Desk Edition Part One)