Unveiling My Light: The Birth of The SVP

As creatives, we often have the vision, but sometimes, we fall short when it comes to consistent action. I know this all too well. We start a project with seemingly endless inner hype, but somewhere along the way, the inner spark dies down. It’s not that we stop believing in our projects, but well….distractions, feelings of being overwhelmed, or my personal fav, the shiny new idea. All of these things can take us off the path. It’s a cycle I’m determined to break.

Creative hoarding

For the past two years, I’ve felt this insane push to share more. However, somewhere along the way I became a “creative hoarder”. Meaning, I never stopped creating and I also finish a lot of projects but I just don’t share them. Why? A couple of reasons stand out most:

  1. Creating for Myself: At the end of the day I create for me. But I’m also aware that these gifts are meant to be shared. Somewhere along my existence I think I got tired of hearing how being able to do a lot of things was “unfair”. The amount of voices I have encountered - from family to employers - who’ve insinuated that showcasing my abilities was “showing off” is literally insane. Some even labeled my capabilities as “unfair”. ( Oh the stories I could tell…I promise to delve deeper into these stories in a future podcast episode - stay tuned! )

  2. Shadowed Greatness: Because of the above experiences, I began to both subconsciously and consciously dim my own light, thinking it’d make others more comfortable. But truth is, our gifts and talents shine through, even if we try our best to downplay them. At the end of the day, there’s always going to be someone bothered by your light. So, why not just fully embrace it and SHINE?

With that said, the Universe kept pushing me to step into my light, so consistently, it urged that I needed to move differently. It got to a point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I tried tho, boy oh boy did I try. But I also knew that the cage break and the tearing down of walls moment would come eventually.

I’m a Leo North Node for crying out loud. Shining is literally a grand part of my purpose in this life. Call me “Miss Leroy Green” or “Last Dragon Bae” 😏 (If you don't get the reference please go watch The Last Dragon 😩)

Systems & Solutions

As a creative that’s also into systems and solutions I knew I had to find just that…systems and solutions. Building a routine, a system, a way of life that would support my showing up and sharing more was the current requirement.

One thing that has always been constant in my life is that when things start happening its like all of the puzzles pieces fall from the sky at once and catapult me into a better version of self. Which is great, but it can be a lot at once.


Around July, an idea I had been holding onto to create a cool journal and planner that I would actually use, started to form again in my mind. Because our phones basically read our minds, at this point, I started to notice ads and videos for PLR and digital product creation on all of social media feeds. After seeing it pop up everywhere, I took the hint from the Universe and gave in. I opted-in to 2 different membership platforms that resonated with my vibe. However, in true Koven mode, I found myself taking over the entire PLR planner and other products to align with my specific vision. This is where the systems and solutions started falling into place.

Now, remember as I said previously, once one thing starts for me its literally like all of the puzzle pieces began to fall from the sky into formation. I could see the big picture. As I continued to create I could see the brand, the mission, all the parts and pieces. So I kept building.

Then, I made a pivotal move: I onboarded a virtual assistant. His name is VirtualAssistantGPT. Yes, I said his name. You name your cars, I name my tech 😌

Yep, that’s right! I created a VA (virtual assistant) via chatgpt who became and is the ultimate support I needed to see this vision through…and well THE SVP was born.

Stay tuned to the next blog post for the tea on THE SVP 🩷,

Chat Soon,



Self-Visionaire Series 001: The Balancing Act


Loft Diaries 001: Not What I Expected 😒